Image PINs
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows ME

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Store your passwords securely"

It is highly recommended to have several passwords and not always use the same one for all websites and other online environments you access. However, sometimes it can be difficult to remember all the passwords you have chosen.

With PINs you will not have this problem again, as this program stores all kinds of confidential data, including credit cards, which is very useful. The encryption used by this powerful tool is based on the algorithmic system Blowfish, so all your information will be safe with an encryption that prevents access to anyone else.

This is due to the introduction of a perfectly structured database, which you can export as text from the PINs interface itself. This application offers other features of great interest, being that of generating passwords automatically one of the most used by its users.